Substratum (SUB)

Substratum (SUB) is a revolutionary new blockchain-based platform that seeks to revolutionize the internet. It is the first decentralized application platform that allows anyone to host and manage websites, applications, and content without the need for centralized servers or hosting services. Substratum allows users to create their own websites and applications, and share them with the world. The platform is powered by the Substratum Network Token (SUB), which is used to pay for hosting and other services.

Substratum is based on the Ethereum blockchain and uses the Substratum Network Token (SUB) to facilitate transactions and pay for hosting and other services. The platform is also built on a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm, which allows users to earn rewards for contributing their computing power to the network. Substratum also features a decentralized, peer-to-peer network of nodes that communicate with each other to ensure the security and reliability of the platform.

The main purpose of Substratum is to provide an open and accessible web platform that is free from censorship and surveillance. The platform is designed to be a censorship-resistant, unstoppable web hosting and content delivery platform where anyone can create, host, and share content without having to worry about government interference or censorship. The platform also aims to reduce the cost of web hosting and content delivery by utilizing the decentralized nature of the blockchain, allowing anyone to become a node in the network and earn rewards for providing hosting and other services.

Substratum has already launched its mainnet and is actively being used by users to host websites and applications. It has also been integrated with Brave browser, allowing users to access the platform directly from their browser. The team behind Substratum is actively working to improve the platform and add new features and services.

Overall, Substratum is a revolutionary blockchain-based platform that seeks to revolutionize the way the internet works. It is designed to be a censorship-resistant, unstoppable web hosting and content delivery platform where anyone can create, host, and share content without having to worry about government interference or censorship. It is currently being used by users to host websites and applications, and the team is actively working to improve the platform and add new features and services.
